Leadership Fauquier is made possible by community support. Specifically, it takes a combination of donations, sponsors, and volunteers to provide a successful program year after year. Donations are a great option for those who wish to invest in the future of our community, but may not have time to be actively involved. Sponsorship may be more attractive to someone who wishes to support the program with both some personal involvement and a financial contribution. If you enjoy working with an inspired group of people to have an impact on the common good, then volunteering within the organization and/or as a subject matter expert on one of our program days could be the best fit for you. If you’re not sure where you can do the most good, contact us and we’ll figure it out together!

Donations to the Leadership Fauquier program help with covering the costs of things like:
- materials for the participants
- food, venues, and transportation for the program days
- marketing and operational costs
Financial support for this program is greatly appreciated, and is a terrific way to contribute to the future of our community. Please use the convenient and secure donation tool below to show your support.
Leadership Fauquier is registered as a nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, EIN 47-2216232.
Or make a check payable to Leadership Fauquier and mail to:
Leadership Fauquier
321 Walker Drive, Suite 203
Warrenton, VA 20186
2023 – 2024 Leadership Fauquier Sponsorships
Premier Mission Sponsor $3000
- Invitation to opening day retreat lunch and time to address the class.
Company logo on signage to be up at all Leadership Fauquier program days and events. - Company logo on Leadership Fauquier website from September 15, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
- Company mentioned and thanked on Leadership Fauquier’s Facebook and LinkedIn monthly.
- Invitation to and recognition at 2024 Class Graduation.
- One spot in future class ($1400 value).
Program Day Partners $1250
- Company logo on signage to be up at all Leadership Fauquier program days and events for cohorts and alumni.
- Company logo on Leadership Fauquier website from September 15, 2023, to June 15, 2024.
- Company mentioned and thanked on Leadership Fauquier Facebook and
LinkedIn monthly. - Invitation to 2024 Class Graduation and recognition.
For more information, please contact Deanna Hammer, Executive Director, Leadership Fauquier

Or make a check payable to Leadership Fauquier and mail to:
Leadership Fauquier | 321 Walker Drive, Suite 203 | Warrenton, VA 20186
Volunteers are needed in a variety of capacities. Bright minds and extra hands are needed to run program days, plan special events, secure funding, and promote and market Leadership Fauquier. We need event space, catered lunches, and other program supplies and are actively seeking individuals or entities to provide:
- Marketing committee members
- Funding committee members
- Venues for opening retreat, gala kick-off event, and program days
- Food for events and program days
- Transportation to and from program day venues
If you have a talent or service to share, please complete the form: